
Online Coaching

Online fitness and nutrition coaching provides accountability, customized strength training programs, realistic nutrition approaches, and unlimited support directly from Chris at an affordable cost. Whether you live a mobile lifestyle or live in a traditional house, these routine building systems are designed to help you balance life and progress at a sustainable pace. Chris’s approach is muscle centric and driven towards longevity, to help prevent the common disabilities of aging, and improve your relationship with food.

There are two different ways you can work with Chris – through private coaching, or through PNP Challenges. Private coaching is top tier accountability and programming customized just for you. You can start private coaching any day of the year. PNP Challenges are curated programs offered only three times per year at set dates. The PNPC uses the same approach and practices as private coaching without the individual attention, at a faster pace, and entry level price.

Muscle Centric Fitness

It doesn’t matter what your age or current fitness level is, now is the time to start getting strong. Everyone should be participating in some form of strength training to age gracefully and powerfully. Strength training is the key to enhancing your quality of life physically and mentally. Customized programs are designed based on your physical abilities, available time to train, and the equipment that you have access to.

Women lifting weights outside RV

Nutrition Forward

This program is not a quick fix or a fad diet. It is a systematic curriculum designed to educate you on how and what you eat by layering in one focus habit at a time. We prioritize adding nutrient-dense foods to optimize health and end the diet mentality. No counting calories, no meal plans, and no harsh restrictions. This is a long-term, sustainable approach to enjoying your life while simultaneously reaching your health goals.

Proven Approach

You will get results when a progressive strength training program is paired with pragmatic nutritional coaching. Results that are not dictated by a number on a scale, but rather by your energy level, your functional strength, how your clothes fit, your confidence, and your self-love. We call these wins non-scale victories (NSV’s), and you deserve more of them in your life.

Dramatic before and after weight loss photo of an athletic women in her underwear.
Woman before and during strength training
Side by side view of woman before and during strength training


“Well, now I am a “Lifer” with your coaching program. I have stayed with you much, much longer than any other personal trainer in the past. They would offer me a “quick fix” to dieting which I could never seem to adhere to for very long. Your approach has finally helped me breakthrough the endless yo-yo dieting that I started at the age of 13.

I can’t thank you enough for the changes that you have helped me achieve in living a much healthier lifestyle. Changes that apply when we are in our sticks-and-bricks and when traveling across country in our rv.”

Shelly (53-years)

Woman's transformation before and after strength training

Woman's transformation after diet and strength training

Recipe Box

Pork Souvlaki

PORK SOUVLAKI Pork souvlaki is simple to make by letting chunks of tender pork marinate in flavors for hours before skewering and grilling to [...]

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