Your wellness journey is forever ongoing as you evolve through stages of life.
It’s never Before & After,
but rather,
Before & During.

“I just wanted to share how happy I am with my first challenge results. I lost 15 pounds during this challenge, and gained a lot more muscle, and a lot less fat. I am going to keep with my new healthy diet and do my workouts to continue feeling better physically and mentally too. Thank you for the daily encouragement for a better way to live.”
PNP Challenge Member (56 year old)

“I just cannot say enough about Chris’s coaching style and the wonderful difference it has made in my life!”
Anonymous PNP member & private client(56 year old)

“Thanks to Chris’ expert guidance and attention to personal detail she set me on a trajectory to success, fully customized for my needs. She kept me accountable with kindness. I am a whole new person, my clothes fit, I feel 20 years younger, able to take on challenging outdoor activities with confidence. Thanks so much!”
Lisa (58 year old)

“Your approach has finally helped me breakthrough the endless yo-yo dieting that I started at the age of 13. I can’t thank you enough for the changes that you have helped me achieve in living a much healthier lifestyle. Changes that apply when we are in our sticks-and-bricks and when traveling across country in our RV.”
Shelley (49-year old)

“So thankful I found Irene Iron Fitness whose beliefs are non-scale-victories such as better balance, be able to hike the more difficult hikes, play with grandkids and not get exhausted. She shows you the way to healthier living in so many ways.“
Pam (68-year old)

“I keep my notes with me to refer to throughout the day, and make every decision matter…the scale was a pleasantly surprising today! No skipping meals, no starving, no counting calories. Amazing! Thank you!“
Anonymous (70-year old)

“I’m so glad I took the leap and did the August challenge and fell in love with your approach. If I could give you a big hug right now, I would.“
Jennifer (60-year old)

“Chris’ approach is always positive and encouraging. Through her nutrition and weight programs she has rewired my brain. I’m much more conscious of my food choices and I look forward to my workouts. This program came to me at the right time in my life and has given me strength, both physically and mentally, to stay grounded through some tough situations and I couldn’t be more satisfied with my results.“
Terri (64-year old)

“If you want to change your life even just a little bit, you must take steps and Chris is the perfect trainer to guide you through. She has always motivated me and encouraged me and never made me feel as though I were not doing enough or doing it wrong. Her approach to fitness is excellent and includes the mind and body and if she could motivate me from being a semi-depressed, overwhelmed couch potato to an engaged and active fitness freak, she can certainly help you!”
Anonymous (59-year old)

“I wanted to change, but I didn’t know how. The only thing I knew is that fad diets just don’t work because as soon as you stop, the weight comes back on. Then, I found Irene Iron Fitness. Christine is absolutely amazing. Her online coaching offers exactly what I need, and I actually started to enjoy weight training! I absolutely enjoy the program because I can easily fit it into my busy lifestyle.”
Anonymous (44-year old)

“I don’t know if I can even tell you the way ‘it’ works but I’m down almost 30 lbs. That isn’t nearly the best part. The best part is that my relationship with food is rightsized now. It’s not an obsession, it’s not punishment, it’s not more important than it should be. I didn’t think this was possible. I also didn’t think that I’d ever work with anyone one on one to try and be successful but it’s truly the only thing that is working. Christine is trustworthy, honest, supportive, and kind. I am eternally grateful my teacher appeared. I can’t recommend Irene Iron Fitness enough. It’s a life-changer.”
Anonymous (55-year old)

“Chris’s coaching simplifies all this and makes it stick. She helped me systematically assemble all of the knowledge blocks into a personalized day-to-day plan that’s stable, sustainable, and yet flexible. Her gentle but persistent coaching keeps me accountable and encourages me to dig deeper to understand where I stumble or try to slide by.
A few things I learned along the way: you’re never too old (I’m 59). Sign up for both exercise and nutrition coaching, even if you think you know it all. They go hand-in-glove. Spend the time to think about and answer her questions honestly. Don’t try to put on a good face, you’re only short-changing yourself. Don’t give your future self credit for what your current self isn’t willing to do. Finally, revel in what you are bringing about – becoming stronger, fitter, more active, and more capable. It’s like finally arriving at your future self.”
Anonymous (59-year old)

“Chris provides support and habits that create a balanced way to eat. No gimmicks, or wild diets. You pick what and how you eat, keeping the habits in mind. Chris is always available by text and responds within moments with support, and answers to your questions. Workouts are perfect, even for a 63-year-old. I have enjoyed expanding my workouts to incorporate resistance bands. Walking has again become fun and look forward to hitting my daily step goals.”
Anonymous (63-year old)

Anonymous (59-year old)