Progress not Perfection
Group Challenge Testimonials

April 2024 Participants said:

“This group has been a great place to work on getting stronger in body and mind. Progress but not perfection is a realistic approach to becoming more healthy. This group was supportive on that path. As we plan to start full time RV in the next few years, it was wonderful to be a part of a group where so many are already living that lifestyle and incorporating healthy habits that benefit such an adventure.”

“This challenge has really helped me change my lifestyle from sedentary to active and to build healthy nutrition habits. Having the Facebook support group really helps to keep me motivated and provides a safe space to share things we are going through or to cheer each other on.”

“The group challenge by far exceeded my expectations. What I loved most about it was the change in mindset that I now have about food and that it is not an all or nothing mentality. I feel so much stronger both mentally and physically now and my energy levels have been more consistent!”

“Group challenge keeps you motivated and in a positive mindset even on those days that you felt you didn’t do well”

“I have been working with Chris for 11 months. This has been the best thing I’ve done for myself in a long time. She is great at delivering educational information that makes it simple to understand.”

“This challenge opened my eyes to results of being consistent with weight training. I’ve never been consistent for very long, but being in a challenge changed that. And that pushed me. It’s exciting to see how much stronger I am!”

“After completing my first challenge, I missed the positivity that the FB Group brought to everyone and couldn’t wait for the 2nd challenge to start. I feel so much better after my 2nd challenge that I decided to become a private client!”

“The group challenge exceeded my expectations. I feel stronger physically, have lots more energy and less depression. At age 65, those are great benefits!”

“Common sense and smart approach to daily eating and exercising. Perfect at any age.”

“The 10 week challenges can literally be life changing…mentally, physically and socially. I’ve lost pounds and inches, but I’ve gained strength mentally and physically, knowledge about real food choices, and an incredible community of friends that offer nothing but positivity and support to each other!”

“I love how supportive Chris and the Facebook group are for this journey to whatever goal you set for the challenge. Thank you Chris for all that you have done over the years with these challenges. Every new session is better than the last one. I have recommended this to a few friends over the years and I think I finally have found one willing to give the next round a try.”

“Chris’ “progress not perfection” motto was exactly what my mind needed to help my body succeed in strength training and find nutrition success.”

“This was my first challenge and definitely not my last. I felt encouraged by this group and have gained a valuable fitness routine.”

“I enjoyed the group challenge. The more experienced members helped the newbies to feel comfortable, ask questions etc. It was a thoughtfully constructed program with a lot of valuable information. Thanks Chris!”

“This challenge has been a life changer for me. There is resistant training, with videos, step tracking, habit tracking, many good articles on healthy eating and what that means. The support community is wonderful. A very positive, supportive, and uplifting group of people.”

“AMAZING! Christine created a safe place to learn, grow and share. The healthy encouragement and bite sized pieces of information she provides each week are given with deep respect and an honest desire to see each person grow into the person they had only hoped for. I had REAL, measurable results!!!! One habit a week turned my life around. Thank you for showing me how to break the barriers within myself to create a healthier, stronger me.”

“Not only does this challenge guide you through exercises catered to all ages and fitness levels, but it is also packed with tips and new habits to incorporate into your daily routine, improving not just your health but your overall quality of life.”

“I was surprised how interactive this group challenge would be. And I was able to fit in the workouts to my schedule. I ended up only needing 1.5 hours a day to finish a good workout.”

“I never thought I’d be the person who looked forward to getting out of bed, putting on sneakers and heading out the door for a long walk. Christine has made it so easy to start healthy habits and build on them.”

“Started with one push up, now I can do 15!”

“The group challenges hold me accountable to stay fit and eat healthy!”

“This group has been amazing. I get so much encouragement from the all the posts and am so excited for the next challenge.”

“Chris is the real deal. She continues to affirm each challenger and meets them where they are. I enjoyed this challenge and will continue to do them. The community is an added bonus!”

“This group challenge is one of the best methods to establish firm roots in a like-minded community, enabling the development of habits that will augment a healthy lifestyle and achieving sustainable outcomes. The app, Facebook group, and live meet-ups really foster a sense of comradery and keep goals clearly in focus.”

“I look forward to the Irene Iron Fitness Challenges! They help me to keep my mindset focused on healthy living. The Facebook community is amazing and so inspiring! Chris motivates me to try my best every day. I love these challenges!”

“After completing this challenge I can move like I used to and had to break into my “smaller size clothes” storage box to keep my pants from falling off.”

“Chris’s Healthy Habits are the key to an active healthy life! Come join the Iron Irene Challenge Team and transform your life!”

“I am happy that the Facebook group supports one another, even though I may not use it. Also it is great that Christine encourages progress but also does not push perfection or absoluteness. It’s great to have guidelines that allows you to pick up gems that apply to you and where you are in the process! Thank you for another session.”

“I have completed three challenges with Chris. From the first challenge, even just reading up on what the group challenge was about before committing, her approach connected with me. It was also very cost effective. The introduction of manageable weekly habits, informative articles, her support and the support of the Facebook group make this challenge well worth your time and commitment. You will be so happy you did it!”

“This comprehensive group challenge has been a game changer for me. In my early sixties, I’ve grown stronger and more positive about my body than I have ever been. Chris is an awesome coach whose mantra of “progress not perfection” is so much more realistic than the quick diet or fitness fads of today.”

“I have recommended this program to others as it encourages better eating habits and strength training. As we get older the more important both are.”

“I had no idea, when I joined this challenge, that I would come out stronger, not just in strength but also in the knowledge I would need to invest in a better future for myself. The support system is exceptional. from the challenge members and of course Chris! I just finished my third challenge and I’m still hungry for knowledge.”

“This was my third challenge and what I like best is that it helps me to focus and have a positive mindset about my health and treating my body with love.”

“Chris and the group are so supportive. It helps me to focus on what’s important. The aches and pains are gone and I’m feeling more confident.”

“This group challenge has been a complete change of life for me. Im making small steps forward each and every day. Progress not Perfection. Chris is amazing and it is life-changing. I definitely plan on joining the next challenge.”

“This group has challenged me to love myself where I am but strive to be a better, healthier me by embracing change. It has helped me see what I’m doing well and what I need to change in order to embrace a healthier lifestyle. The online group has been so encouraging! These people are friends who encourage you when you’re down and cheer you on when you win. It’s been a huge win for me, both physically and mentally, and I’m excited to be a part of the next challenge!”

January 2024 Participants said:

I’ve learned the scale does not always show the results.

Love making new friends and a new me!

I lost 12 pounds and 8 inches!

Really happy for the exercises to challenge me.

Great program, Chris. Bands do work!

I absolutely loved this challenge. Weirdly, having it last 10 weeks instead of 8 helped me not peter out. I am looking forward to the next one.

I am so happy with the progress I made both physically and mentally. The FB lives really help me because you always have something to say that makes me think, motivates me, and gives me some new action to try.

Loved the 10-week challenge. I like the longer length, all of the articles, and the live videos.

I really like the 10-week format and the new habits you introduced during the challenge.

After completing this challenge, I have so many victories! I have lost 9 pounds, my anxiety is 100% improved, I have much more energy and more importantly I am motivated to keep going.

Learning to love myself is still a skill I need to work on but having Chris as my trainer since 2019 has definitely assisted me in reaching my goal to live a healthy lifestyle style!

I really enjoyed the live events and the reading materials – it was all very informative. This challenge is just what I needed to motivate me to make some healthy changes in my life.

I am very satisfied with the value of the challenge. It is affordable. In the beginning, I figured that even if I didn’t stick with it, I wouldn’t be out very much money, but I quickly started seeing/feeling positive results – so I wanted to keep going.

I have learned so much. I really enjoyed all the tips on how to eat or what to eat. And I have never done resistance training. I really appreciated the info about each exercise on how to do the proper form. Very helpful.

I am very satisfied. Lots of great information, great exercises. Lots of support from you and other challenge members.

I have been with Chris for a year and a bit and have learned so much. Feeling stronger.

“First time ever doing resistance training and I like it! I can tell I am building strength and no longer say “I hate working out”.

I am so getting stronger, I can feel it and see it.

August 2023 Participants said:

I learned so much from Chris regarding nutrition and how I should eat and prepare meals. If you want to know more about losing weight and how to eat correctly Irene Fitness (Chris) is the way to go!

Please don’t hesitate to sign up for the group challenge designed by Chris. She is super smart and can really help you get your diet straightened out and your muscles toned up. You won’t regret it!

I have struggled with my weight for almost my entire adult life. I have tried every diet, workout, gimmick out there only to yo-yo for years. This program kept me motivated to keep going. The way the habits were introduced were not overwhelming but made to feel very doable. I am very pleased with my results and feeling of accomplishment. For the first time I feel that my motivation and goals are sustainable.

The fitness challenge is an excellent intro to good exercise habits and routines. The group support on FB is very good, and the FB live sessions were great. I signed up as a private client after my second challenge and it has been a highly positive experience.

Have learned so must and have changed my mindset for the better. Chris is an amazing coach and I am so happy to be on this new path.

Chris’s daily reminders really kept me on track and encouraged me to keep going!

Best fitness and healthy living coaching ever had, very realistic.

This program is life-changing. I have yo-yo dieted my entire adult life with ever-increasing numbers until I reached the point of losing mobility. By the end of the first challenge, I could tell that the habits I’d developed will be with me for the rest of my life.

May 2023 Participants said:

This is a great challenge very doable and realistic goals. Never any pressure and options to change things around.

I have been a very active person all my life, however when we started traveling full-time I found it hard to develop a good workout schedule. The challenge helped me do that.

This was a first challenge for me. Great program and liked that habits were built weekly to create lifetime habits.

Thank you for all of the encouragement with challenge emails. The Facebook group is a great place for participants to share and also receive your feedback as well as that of other participants. The “cheering on” has been great to see!

Thank you for the great information with each healthy habit.”

Thanks for including stuff for folks who are plant-based. I follow Gregor’s daily dozen and am working at being oil-free. I wasn’t always able to map what I’m doing with the guides, but a lot of the habits were very helpful (particularly slowing down my eating).

I’d recommend it to anyone.

Christine has developed an amazing program! It is not a diet but teaches the elements of healthy eating along with exercise. The group support was wonderful, and a great tool for encouragement, motivation, and commiseration. I not only lost both inches and pounds but gained the tools I need to continue these healthy lifestyle changes on my own. As a healthcare professional, I highly recommend this program!

I was surprised to receive such a vast array of educational material that covered food, exercise, mindset, and more. This felt like a real bonus and I look forward to reviewing them even after the program is over. .

I’ve completed 3 challenges and have thoroughly enjoyed them all. I’ve learned a lot, developed a great relationship with band workouts, and enjoyed the camaraderie with the Challenge FB group. My body is changing slowly, but it is changing. My arthritic health condition (AS) has improved greatly and my anti-inflammatory drug dependency has lowered.

As a 60-year-old woman who has never done any weight training, I was intrigued hearing Chris speak at the Escapees Escapade. I knew the hazards as we age of losing muscle mass and core strength which can lead to poor health outcomes, but I didn’t know what to do about it. The 8-Week Challenge with resistance bands seemed like a good risk. Boy was it worth it!!

Chris’s program is life-changing. No matter what your story is she can help you! I learned how to eat right for me! not for someone else for me this is the first program that I have done that tough me how to eat for me! I gained muscle that I hadn’t seen in years, balance, and strength. I could see the changes in the mirror. I was amazed at the change from the first photo to the last.

Christine introduced me to bands that I love. They are portable and light for travel, so no excuses! Very pleased with my results over the 8-week challenge. I also really learned a lot and enjoyed the nutritional education and Chris’ focus on eating healthy and getting stronger but in a sustainable & manageable way that is about living not dieting! Great value and highly recommend!

Chris has gifted a style of coaching encouraging, and positive, she has a way of watering wilted flowers and getting them to full-on bloom! (I am one of those flowers) Thank you Chris you are very good at what you do but your passion for your clients is what changes us THANK YOU! I am gonna beat that next DEXA Scan!

This program is life-changing. I have yo-yo dieted my entire adult life with ever-increasing numbers until I reached the point of losing mobility. By the end of the first challenge, I could tell that the habits I’d developed will be with me for the rest of my life.

I started learning about how to eat a balanced diet and started feeling better after every lesson. Workouts started to become easier and I was able to increase my weight in resistance training. My muscle tone started to have a definition. I’m definitely leaving this challenge as a changed person.

My wife and I had great success. I lost 13 pounds and my wife lost 10 pounds and many inches between us with the challenge. It was the best time/ money we have spent on our fitness health since going full time RV. Chris has a great program put together. We really enjoyed the challenge.

Until this challenge, I thought I was doing all the right things. Healthy eating but only was able to gain weight. I learned so much during this challenge about food, weight training, making choices while traveling, and so much more. It’s the first time ever that I’ve seen results, felt completely fulfilled, and excited to keep going.

January 2023 Participants said:

“Great job keeping it real and interesting!”

“Thank you so much! I really appreciated getting to work on my habits. I am maintaining in the 140s for the first time in my life and really want to stick with good habits. These 8 weeks were exactly what I needed.”

“Many thanks for offering this group challenge! It was the motivation and help me kickstart a regular fitness routine forever!”

“Just wanted to say thank you for all your encouragement and care about people who struggle with health and weight.”

August 2022 Participants said:

I enjoyed the challenge. It really helped me get back into better eating habits and learn what works for my body and what wasn’t serving me. I plan to continue doing what I’ve learned in this challenge and continue to work on my health and fitness goals for the long term.

“This challenge has helped me to get back on track with my exercise routine. “

“Having a like-minded group of adults to go through an 8 week challenge with makes this fun, engaging and really gives me perspective as I go through my own journey. The workouts are easy to follow and challenging and Chris is just amazing to work with. I felt encouraged and support through the duration and definitely got stronger!”

“Until this challenge, I thought I was doing all the right things. Healthy eating but only was able to gain weight. I learned so much during this challenge about food, weight training, making choices while traveling, and so much more. It’s the first time ever that I’ve seen results, felt completely fulfilled, and excited to keep going. I loved that even though this was a group challenge Christine was with us ever step of the way by helping us learn, give guidance, and answer and comment on our multitude of questions. Thank you so much Christine!”

“Christine provides clear and concise guidance for all the workouts and new habits; with encouragement and enthusiasm along the way! She generates a sense of community within the facebook group which then let the challenge members support each other. This fitness challenge helped get me back on track to gaining strength, dropping some pounds and fitting more comfortably in my clothes again! I am motivated to continue all the good habits…better hydration; a more competent and expanded culinary routine while making much better choices and getting me out walking and listening to podcasts rather than lying on the sofa playing in my phone! I lost 8lbs steadily over 8 weeks and inches from top to toe!”

“Although I wasn’t able to complete the last week and bit of the challenge due to personal reasons, I will definitely continue with the exercises and habits I learned. During the challenge I gained much needed strength and knowledge about why I should be following certain habits. And all this in a supportive yet challenging environment where you can participate to your level of comfort! Thanks Chris!”

“Very satisfied. I felt that it was a workout geared towards me. The daily reminders to track were extremely helpful and your daily habits that were dispersed weekly were also very helpful so as to not overwhelm us.”

“Aa a 53 years old male I started the challenge weak, with muscle loss due to inactivity. I was challengedto eat incredible nutritious meals and work hard buildin muscle mass, which I was surprised to see how quickly I was able to make huge gains. I feel better I every way, mind and body, another added benefit is being confident. I started the challenge being able to do 2 pushups now I do 100 a night. Start today change your life for the better you will thank yourself.”

“This challenge was a great way to establish a workout routine that is sustainable and realistic to accomplish whether you are at home or on the road! Chris provided tips and encouragement to make incremental healthy lifestyle changes that are simple and realistic to sustain. I highly recommend this challenge to anyone who wants to start improving your health for the long run!”

“I entered this challenge wanting to feel better overall. My job is sitting all day. My after hours activity is farm and yard work. I definitely have more energy from the exercise from this challenge. I have more work to do on my nutrition but i have gained valuable information and insight that I can use.”

“Christine is generous with what she provides In her 2-month challenge. I found it to be a frugal way to jump start my fitness routine.”

“This eight week challenge was exactly what I was looking for. I do not have a travel lifestyle (yet) and I do not have a history of consistent physical training. This program has shown me that 62 is a great time to start fresh with self care. I enjoyed it so much and I’m looking forward to continuing my journey of health and wellness.”

“I think this challenge has been well supported by Chris. You have provided a well balanced program of education on nutrition and exercise.”

Woman's transformation after diet and strength training

“I am so happy with the results of my first challenge. I got a lot more muscle and a lot less fat and lost 15 pounds during this challenge. I am going to keep up with my new healthy diet and the workouts not just to get to my goal, but to keep feeling better physically and mentally too.”

January 2024 Challenge Winner