Join the Progress not Perfection Challenge

Starting January 6, 2025

This isn’t your ordinary hardcore challenge. Instead, it’s a positive and encouraging habit builder that helps break the all-or-nothing mindset. Start focusing on progress, not perfection, and establish healthy habits that are sustainable and effective. The next PNP group challenge is scheduled to start on January 6, 2025, and will run until March 16, 2025.

The PNP program includes a curated mix of strength training, cardio, step goals, weekly nutrition habits, and more. The optional private Facebook group adds a motivating and positive group environment. All this comes at an affordable rate, with less intimidation than private coaching.

At the end of this challenge, one winner will be selected from this group and will receive one free private 3-month combo coaching package to immediately follow the challenge ($600 value). The winner will be selected based on program adherence, group engagement, physical transformation, and overall attitude.

This blog will go into detail regarding everything you need to know about the 10-week group challenge. Read on to determine if it is a good commitment for you.

What is the 10-Week Progress not Perfection Group Challenge?

This 10-week Challenge is a fantastic opportunity to commit to your health by practicing powerful habits. The program includes a strength training program (using either loop bands or dumbbells), cardio goals, step goals, food journal and/or meal adherence chart, weekly healthy habit goals, coaching articles and infographics, weekly weigh-ins, and before/middle/after photos.

The information that is coached is specially curated directly from my private coaching curriculum and materials. However, this group program delivers the information at a quicker rate, with a more relaxed approach, and at a more affordable cost.

The group aspect comes into play with our private Facebook group. While the Facebook group is optional, we highly recommend joining in there. You will get to know many other challenge members and share personal obstacles, victories, experiences, and encouragement. The positivity and camaraderie on this group is hard to find, and is exceptional support. While we all walk different paths in life, we share many of the same desires, goals, and obstacles. You may even walk away from this challenge with some new friends.

How is the Irene Iron Fitness Progress not Perfection Group Challenge Different from Other “Challenges”?

This challenge is not a competition to see who can drop the most weight in the shortest amount of time. It does not come with a rigid meal plan or lists of “good/bad” or “yes/no” foods. And you most certainly will never be asked to purchase any packaged food with promises to transform your health. Coach Chris is not a drill sergeant, she is a compassionate, real person trying to help others live their best life.

As we go through our 10 weeks together, we will practice “Progress, not Perfection”. You will hear it again and again. Our goal is to create consistency with our schedule, get stronger, feel better, eat real food, and create balance in life. We’re all busy and pulled in a million directions. There will be good days and there will be bad days. Make each day the best you can with what you have to work with. Celebrate your achievements and your wins, rather than picking on the negatives.

How Does the 10-Week Group Challenge Work?

This PNP challenge is 100% online using my coaching app (compatible with both iOS and Android). Upon signing up, you will get a confirmation email confirming that your spot is reserved. One to two weeks before the challenge starts, you will get an onboarding email from me with credentials to log into your app. There are a few quick forms to fill out before January 2nd, to ensure you are ready to start on January 6th. There will be reading assignments kicking out early on January 4th to help you prepare.

You have the option to use the app on your mobile device/tablet, or the web browser on your computer/laptop. Both versions work great, but some people have a personal preference for one or the other. So play around with both, and find what you like best!

Either way, you do need a STRONG internet connection or cell signal to use the app/website. The app will not work well in low-service areas. It’s okay if you will be in and out of service though. You can easily take screenshots of workouts, or even print them off from the browser version so that you are prepared in no service areas (hello national parks!). Throughout the challenge, you can always go back and enter/edit information for past dates so that you can catch up after being away from service for any reason. One great feature of the app is the ability to watch videos of the exercises. This is especially helpful if you are new to weight training and unfamiliar with movements. You can watch the videos right from your app, to see a visual demonstration. Click on the video below for a brief introduction to the coaching app.

Who is the Progress not Perfection Challenge for?

This challenge is for anybody who is looking to incorporate a healthier lifestyle with some guidance. It is appropriate for men and women of any adult age. Historically, participants’ ages range from 25-80, with most falling in the 45-65 age zone. All are welcome here, all fitness levels, body sizes, genders, colors, cultures, and types of people.

While we do specialize in the nomadic lifestyle, most of the practices directly overlap with people living in traditional households/apartments. The online format allows tremendous flexibility to move workouts around as needed, based on your individual schedule.

What do you need to participate?

You will need your mobile device or laptop with a strong internet connection to use the coaching app. Besides that, you just need the basics:

  • ONE FORM of strength training equipment: Dumbbells OR loop Bands
  • Step tracker: Most smartphones have a free step tracker. No need for a fancy watch or gadget.
  • Basic walking/cardio gear: Shoes, appropriate clothing, the occasional umbrella or snow boots for walking in undesirable weather 😉
  • Cooking at home is encouraged, but no special equipment is required
  • Weekly check-in materials: Scale, flexible measuring tape, phone camera to upload photos (these optional, but mandatory only if you are competing to win the grand prize)

What are the workouts like?

Strength Training

Our primary workout program is strength training.  Strength training offers incredible health benefits and is highly underutilized by the general population. The strength training routines will be using the equipment that you select of the two options: dumbbells or loop bands. Strength training will be scheduled three days per week, and will take about 35-45 minutes per session.

All strength training movements will be low impact. The movements will be using a small foot space to help promote exercising inside an RV or a small indoor space. There will be no jumping or other high-intensity movements. You will not need anchor points for the loop bands, or a bench for the dumbbells. The videos below show an example exercise of the two equipment options.

Dumbbell Exercise Example

Loop Bands Exercise Example


Cardio will be scheduled two times per week, and have a target time of 20 minutes. If you already go above and beyond 2 days at 20 minutes, definitely continue to maintain what you already do. If not, 20 minutes is a great place to start. Cardio can be whatever form you prefer: biking, jogging, hiking, rowing, dancing, BootCamp class, spinning, and even walking. The goal here is to get out, move your body, pump that heart, and torch some calories.

Daily Steps

The final part of our fitness program is daily step tracking. You will track steps daily. There are step goals to target for the first half and the second half of the program. The amount of time dedicated to getting your steps will vary greatly based on your occupation and lifestyle.

What is the diet like?

We promote whole foods like protein, vegetables, fruits, smart carbs, and healthy fats. While we personally believe in the benefits of animal protein, we always support and welcome our strictly WFPB (Whole Food Plant Based) friends. We have many private clients, previous challenge members, and even challenge winners who are WFPB. We respect everyone’s decision to eat how they want to eat.

This nutrition curriculum should weave into any special diet that you may be following. Of course, if you have health conditions with doctor’s orders on how to eat, listen to your doctor. But, generally speaking, you can incorporate our weekly habits even if you have any intolerances, allergies, or special diets.

Rather than providing a rigid meal plan or ridiculous food rules, we strive to educate you on nutrition and help you learn sustainable nutrition skills. Every new food habit will come with coaching articles, guides, and infographics. We are proud to say the entire program will deliver over 18 articles, 7 guides, and 17 infographics!

Easy RV Meal Prep

Practice prioritizing quality protein and colorful vegetables

Example of the Weekly Curriculum (Subject to change):

#1: Onboarding, mastering workouts, learning the app, drinking water
#2: Establishing meal times and meal planning
#3: Eating slowly and mindfully
#4: Quality protein
#5: Mindset
#6: Colorful plants
#7: Smart carbs
#8: Healthy fats
#9: Putting it all together
#10: Celebrating non-scale victories

How is the progress not perfection group challenge different from private coaching?

Over the years we have coached hundreds of clients across the country. Chris is a legit fitness & nutrition coach with several certifications:

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer
  • NASM Certified Senior Fitness Specialist
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Coach

Chris uses the same principles and methods in this group challenge that she uses with her private one-on-one clients.

Here are the biggest differences between private coaching versus group coaching programs:

  • Group coaching does not include customized workouts, substitutions, exercise form feedback
  • Group coaching does not include customized nutrition help, feedback, guidance, or individual macros
  • Group coaching does not include text messaging or voice calls
  • Group coaching does not include individual messages or accountability

How much does it cost?

There is a one-time fee to enroll in this 10-Week Challenge of $89. Upon signing up you are reserving your space in the challenge. No refunds, credits, price adjustments, or deferments will be issued for any reason.

When should you sign up?

Sign up today to reserve your space in the challenge and before 1/1/25 to take advantage of the early coaching app materials.


Can partners join in together?

You sure can join in with a partner! Add qty 2 to your cart, then, in the notes section, add in both participants’ first name, last name, and unique email for each person to use for the coaching app. This is a great gift to surprise your accountability buddy with!

Can current private clients join the Progress not Perfection Challenge?

Current private clients are encouraged to join in for free. As long as your private coaching subscription is active during the challenge dates you can join at no cost. Just let me know if you want in!

Private combo clients will keep their current custom strength program and will have the option of whether they want to run the challenge habits with the group or continue to run their own habits where they are at.

Fitness-only clients will keep their current custom strength program and can join in on the nutrition habits. This is a great option to refresh on those nutrition topics that aren’t included in your private coaching package.

Nutrition-only clients have the option to stay on their current nutrition habits or change to run the habits with the group. You also have the option of getting the strength program assigned with your choice of equipment.

All private clients have the option of joining the Facebook group only if they want to keep your own private coaching exactly as is and simply join in on the group camaraderie.

How to win the group challenge grand prize?

One winner is selected from each group challenge based on program adherence, Facebook group engagement, physical transformation, and overall attitude. To be reviewed for the grand prize, you must complete your first check-in on or before the start date, complete your final check-in on the weekend of the end date, and complete your exit form telling me you are competing. Check-ins must include photos, however, the photos are completely confidential unless you give consent to share. Even if you win the photos will remain confidential unless you give consent to release them.

The winner will receive one free private 3-month combo coaching package to immediately follow the challenge ($600 value). The prize is not transferable or deferrable.

Do you have to submit body photos?

We know that body photos cause high anxiety, and can even be downright traumatic for some of us. Photos are not required to participate. They are encouraged though, and we think you will be glad to have them. But, you can refuse to take photos and still participate in the program.

Rest assured, photos, are 100% confidential, and will never be shared without your consent.



Testimonials from previous PNP Challenges:

I have to say Chris and Aaron are true inspirations in many ways, but engaging with Chris (Irene Iron Fitness) for specialized training has been great! The knowledge on food and resistance band training she shared with me and the group in an 8 week challenge has been the best I’ve ever received. She’s realistic in expectations and goals and helps you work through any issues. At 62, I never expected to enjoy working out as much as I have with her program. So worth it! Thanks so much!Tina Brasington

(Airstream Adventures of Morii Coddiwomple)

Theoretically, I placed fitness & health as the highest priority and yet in practice, it fell to the bottom of my list. Year after year as I put fitness off until ‘tomorrow’ or ‘next week’ I began missing out on experiences I dreamt of, knowing I wasn’t fit enough for activities I wanted to chase. I had to take it out of my own hands; make a real commitment. I desperately wanted to avoid spending my senior years pushing a walker around. Thanks to Chris’ expert guidance and attention to personal detail she set me on a trajectory to success, fully customized for my needs. She kept me accountable with kindness. I am whole new person, my clothes fit, I feel 20 years younger, able to take on challenging outdoor activities with confidence. New Lease on life!!

Thanks so much!


When I joined the 8 week challenge, I had no expectations but I was hopeful to get into a habit of exercise. After starting the workouts, I got a picture of my health by how I felt afterwards. Progress was slow. I also started learning about how to eat a balanced diet and started feeling better after every lesson. Workouts started to become easier and I was able to increase my weight in resistance training. My muscle tone started to have definition. I’m still on my way to a healthy body but I now have a good primer on how to eat and how to exercise that I can take with me. I’m now at a healthy state and plan to be steady on my path. If I do this challenge again, I will certainly have new goals. I’m definitely leaving this challenge as a changed person. Thank you Chris for the environment that you’ve created for me to develope healthy habits.


Wanted to give a shout out to Chris with Ireneirontravels. My wife and I started her 8 week challenge and went with the resistance band workout program. We had great success. I lost 13 pounds and my wife lost 10 pounds and many inches between us with the challenge. It was the best time/ money we have spent on our fitness health since going full time RV. Chris has a great program put together. We really enjoyed the challenge.


Until this challenge, I thought I was doing all the right things. Healthy eating but only was able to gain weight. I learned so much during this challenge about food, weight training, making choices while traveling, and so much more. It’s the first time ever that I’ve seen results, felt completely fulfilled, and excited to keep going. I loved that even though this was a group challenge Christine was with us ever step of the way by helping us learn, give guidance, and answer and comment on our multitude of questions. Thank you so much Christine!!!!


I signed up for Chris’ 8 week challenge, and cannot overstate the positive impact it has had on my fitness level, my energy level, my mood and overall sense of well-being. I have always enjoyed being active outdoors, hiking and biking. Two years ago, we added RVing to our travel experiences

I have historically been a yo yo dieter, and struggled with pre diabetes. I had signed up for the challenge at a point where I, yet again, knew something had to change if I wanted to have a long healthy and active life. I am 57 and want to be fun and fit as I age.

Chris is supportive, kind and encouraging, and emphasizes progess over perfection, which was incredibly motivating for me. I was able to stick with it, learn important skills, lose weight and gain confidence. It’s a step wise, well thought out program that builds on itself week by week.

The workouts are portable whether I’m at home, in at a vacation destination, or on the road in the RV. I can maintain and build on my progress wherever I am. And messaging Chris with questions is easy, and accessible. She is an amazing source of support!

I have gained so much from the experience of working with Chris that I signed up for 6 months of one on one training with her and I’m excited to see where it will take me!




Group Challenge Disclaimer

You are volunteering to participate in physical exercise without any supervision, which may include but may not be limited to weight and/or resistance training. I do here and forever release and discharge and hereby hold harmless Irene Iron Fitness, LLC (DBA Healthy RV Living), Christine Willers, all employees, contractors, and affiliates, and their employees from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action, present or future, arising from participation in the Forever Strong Exercise Library or any exercise/ movement evaluation/program including any injuries.


With this or any exercise program, you should ALWAYS get clearance from your doctor or healthcare provider prior to engaging in physical activity.